August 18, 2007

Talking, Rolling and Teething

Kross starting saying Dada this week. It is so sweet! He constantly says it over and over. The other day, Wes was giving me a hard time because Kross kept "talking about him." As Wes was going on and on about Kross saying his name first, Kross yelled "Dada" as if he was trying to tell him something. Wes shook his head and said, "I know, son. I know." Then he just looked at me as though they had something going on and I wasn't supposed to know. Eat it up, Babe. Eat it up!

Kross also learned how to roll over from his back to his stomach last night. He couldn't completely figure out what he had done because he kept trapping his arm underneath his belly and it was making him mad. I'm sure he will figure it out in a matter of time and then he will be rolling all over the place.

Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that Kross also has two teeth! Yes... TWO! They are the middle bottom two. It seems really early to already have some teeth, but he does. I seriously can't believe how fast that little booger has changed. Before I know it, he will have a mouth full of teeth and be saying Mama ;-)


Becca said...

It's true. Time flies. Don't tell Wes, but... he may be saying Dada right now, but by the time he's old enough to actually know what he's saying, he'll be saying Mama all over the place. The d's are just easier to say first. Will did it too. Now Cy does as well. We just don't have to tell the daddies that! :)

Anonymous said...

he's getting big, will you post some new photos?