May 5, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Kross finally learned how to get out of his crib. My babysitter called while I was at work and said that he climbed out during nap time. When I got home I put him in his bed to see if he would climb out, but he wouldn't. So I walked out of his room and then quietly peeked around the corner... he had one leg on the other side and was hopping up and down like he was riding a horse.

So tonight Wes and I took the front part off of his crib and put up the toddler railing (his crib converts to a toddler bed and then to a full-size). It made me sad to think that my baby isn't going to be in a crib anymore! I kept my composure because I wanted Kross to see what a big step he was taking. I kept asking him, "Are you going to sleep in your big boy bed tonight?" and he excitedly replied, "Ice!" (that means yes for those of you who didn't read the previous post).

We weren't sure how he would do once it was time for bed, but that kid never ceases to amaze us. I put him to bed and was very careful not to say, "stay in bed." I thought if I told him that, he would think it was an option to get out. He didn't get up one time! I went in to check on him a few minutes ago and he was sound asleep. He's growing up... my little baby is becoming a big boy.

PS... I think the time has come to change my blog title :(

May 4, 2009

Conversation with a two-year-old

This morning, my babysitter let Kross call me at work. Here's the conversation:

Me: Hello?
K: Hi, mama!
Me: Hey, buddy! What are you doing?
K: Ha-ha. (something he does every single time I talk to him on the phone)
Me: Are you being silly?
K: Ice (also known as yes)
Me: Are you being a good boy today?
K: I don't know.

Smart kid. He keeps me on my toes for sure... and keeps me wondering how he acts when I'm not around!