June 24, 2007

Our Sunday

Kross slept during church today so we didn't have to take him to the nursery. That was the first time he has done that... he usually starts crying right when the music starts :-) We had a cookout at my mother-in-law's after church and that was pretty fun. Wes' brother came to town this weekend, so we got to spend some time with him. We were supposed to go back over there this evening for some homemade ice cream, but we didn't have time :-(

My friend, Brooke, came over after we got home this afternoon. She measured and weighed Kross while she was here. She works for the Health Department and she makes home visits for those who can't afford insurance, so she actually had the scales and measuring chart in her car! That was convenient considering Kross' next doctor's appointment isn't until late July! He weighs 15 lbs 5.5 oz. He's gained nearly two pounds in one month! He measured 26 1/4 inches long, so he only gained 1/4 of an inch in length, but he's still a pretty big boy!

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