May 5, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Kross finally learned how to get out of his crib. My babysitter called while I was at work and said that he climbed out during nap time. When I got home I put him in his bed to see if he would climb out, but he wouldn't. So I walked out of his room and then quietly peeked around the corner... he had one leg on the other side and was hopping up and down like he was riding a horse.

So tonight Wes and I took the front part off of his crib and put up the toddler railing (his crib converts to a toddler bed and then to a full-size). It made me sad to think that my baby isn't going to be in a crib anymore! I kept my composure because I wanted Kross to see what a big step he was taking. I kept asking him, "Are you going to sleep in your big boy bed tonight?" and he excitedly replied, "Ice!" (that means yes for those of you who didn't read the previous post).

We weren't sure how he would do once it was time for bed, but that kid never ceases to amaze us. I put him to bed and was very careful not to say, "stay in bed." I thought if I told him that, he would think it was an option to get out. He didn't get up one time! I went in to check on him a few minutes ago and he was sound asleep. He's growing up... my little baby is becoming a big boy.

PS... I think the time has come to change my blog title :(

May 4, 2009

Conversation with a two-year-old

This morning, my babysitter let Kross call me at work. Here's the conversation:

Me: Hello?
K: Hi, mama!
Me: Hey, buddy! What are you doing?
K: Ha-ha. (something he does every single time I talk to him on the phone)
Me: Are you being silly?
K: Ice (also known as yes)
Me: Are you being a good boy today?
K: I don't know.

Smart kid. He keeps me on my toes for sure... and keeps me wondering how he acts when I'm not around!

April 17, 2009


Today I went to the local park during my lunch hour. It was raining, but not pouring. The ducks were curled up beside the pond asleep. A turtle was swimming in the water from one side of the pond to the other. Raindrops steadily bounced off of my windshield and nearly put me to sleep. It was a perfect lunch hour. No interruptions, no rushing, no errands... and that was peaceful.

February 8, 2009

Not much longer

and this sweet little face will be a part of our family. I love her already!!!

I'm not sure which one she is, but here's another picture.

Are you in love yet?

February 7, 2009

Getting Real

Becca challenged everyone a while back to get real on their blog. Click here to read what she had to say about getting real. I challenge all of my fellow bloggers to do the same.

1) I am very insecure. I feel like I have absolutely no style and nothing looks good on me.

2) There are times when I feel like I'm not a good wife. The house isn't always clean, the laundry isn't always put away, I don't cook every night, and I'm exhausted by the time we get one on one time together.

3) I worry about Kross not talking yet. He will be two in March and he doesn't say much. Everyone tells me that a lot of kids don't start talking until after two, but I still worry about it. Is he hearing okay? Will he be anti-social? You get the drift.

4) I worry about Wes coming home every time he goes to work. He's a state trooper and it's a crazy world. The thought of some psycho killing him is in the back of my mind all of the time. I hate that feeling.

5) I don't make an effort to see my dad enough. When I was little, he would drive over three hours to pick me up every other weekend and take me back to his house. When our weekend was over, he would make the same trip again. Now that I'm old enough to make the trip myself, I don't. I think I've been to his house two or three times in four years! That's pitiful.

6) I have gray hair. Yes, I'm 27 and I have gray hair. I know you're not supposed to pull it out, but I do it anyways. I think it's more noticeable since I have dark hair, so I pluck out all the silver strands I spot.

7) I don't have very many close friends. Since I have graduated, I have lost touch with a lot of people that I considered my best friends.

8) I'm a tight-wad. I don't like to spend money. I don't think I've always been this way, but I've noticed it more recently. If I go shopping, I almost always only buy sale items. Same goes for eating out... I will generally order the cheapest meal on the menu.

9) I feel like I don't spend enough time with Kross. I work full time so I don't get a lot of time with him during the week. I get off at five and he goes to bed by eight. I try to make up for it on the weekends, but sometimes the guilt overwhelms me.

10) I have a hard time forgiving people if they've hurt me. I am the world's worst grudge holder. I don't know why I'm this way, but I am. Not a good characteristic to have...

January 19, 2009


In the last post I mentioned something about Lays Kettle Cooked Jalapeno chips... you know, that they're my strongest weakness. Well change that. This morning I woke up sick and let me tell you that those don't taste as good coming up as they did going down. I'm not sure how long it will last, but I don't see myself purchasing anymore for quite sometime.

PS... the chips did not cause me to get sick. I think I have a hint of the wonderful virus that Kross had last week. If you've never tried the chips, you should still give them a try.

January 17, 2009

Random Things

So Julie tagged everyone on her blog so that includes me :)

Rules: Write 6 random things about yourself, link the person who tagged you & post the rules. Tag six people and link them. Let them know they have been tagged. Like Julie, I'm tagging everyone! Here it goes...

1) I love to read recipes. Seriously, give me a recipe book and I could spend an entire day reading and marking all the recipes I want to try.

2) I am terrified of spiders. Size doesn't matter. I hate them. End of story.

3) Frito Lays Kettle Cooked Jalapeno chips are my strongest weakness. If you've never eaten them and you like spicy things, try them! If you become an addict, please don't blame me.

4) Sometimes after Kross goes to bed (and Wes is at work), I quietly go get him out of bed and rock him. There's nothing sweeter than cuddling with a sleeping baby that has that fresh baby lotion scent. It's the perfect stress reliever.

5) My real name is Kimberly Carol. Kacy is just a nickname. My initials are K.C., but my parents chose to spell it differently. I thought everyone knew this, but apparently not. My own cousin just discovered this fact on Christmas day! Funny.

6) I think about my Grandmother (who passed away in 1997) a lot. She was my favorite person in the entire world and I miss her terribly. I wish Wes and Kross had the honor of knowing her.

January 10, 2009


I'm attempting to type with my right hand bandaged. It's not easy, but I need to get used to it. I never realized how much I used my right hand and thank God that this is only temporary.

I'm surviving though. My mother in law has helped me out a lot! I am so thankful for her. She has come over every night and bathed Kross and put him to bed. I can't even carry the little guy and I miss that so much! Luckily, he knows that I have a boo-boo and he allows me to cuddle with him on the sofa.

This morning I woke up sick. Not good. I think it was my medicine, but I don't know. My mother in law came over and picked up Kross so I could rest. She brought him back around 2pm and then came back over this evening to help me. Wes will be able to do the bathing and tucking in beginning tomorrow night.

Speaking of Wes... have you ever had to have your husband wash your hair? Not fun. Wes has washed mine everyday since my surgery. I'm happy he doesn't mind, but ouch!!! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it once Monday rolls around. I may have my sister come over and do it for me. We'll see.

Well, my hand is really hurting now so I'm going to end this post. I'll write more later.

January 7, 2009

Water, Calories, & a Cyst

I only made one resolution this year and it's kicking my butt. It's simple... drink more water. As simple as it sounds, it's a true challenge for me. I'm the type of person who only drinks when I'm thirsty. I can go all day and not take one sip... trust me, I find myself doing this on the weekends a lot. It's pitiful. And I don't know why, but I really don't like water. I know... it has no taste, but it still makes me want to gag when I down a cup. So with that being said, I must say that I'm sticking with it. I have to MAKE myself do it, but I'm doing it. Of course, I'm up all hours of the night making bathroom trips, but that's okay :) Have I mentioned that I feel much better now that I'm hydrating my body?!!? Funny how that works.

So in the midst of drinking more water, I came across an article in a magazine stating that women should consume a minimum of 2000 calories/day. Less than 2000 can be unhealthy and of course over-doing isn't good either. I've never counted calories, but I thought what the heck... why not!? So tonight I started an online calorie counter/food journal. I recorded every little thing that entered my mouth. From the amount of cream I put in my morning cup of coffee to the number of banana peppers I put on my sandwich at lunch. From the two mid-day Hershey's kisses to the rib-eye I split with my husband tonight. I knew that I had to be going way over the minimum calorie intake, but I was curious to know what I averaged. Get this: it's nearly 10pm and I still have over 600 calories to consume to reach 2000! Now I'm no nutritionist, but are you kidding me? I'm going to continue to count for a week just to get an average. Maybe today wasn't a good day to test. I don't know why because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I'll keep you updated. And please don't start harassing me by saying that I don't need to lose weight. I'm not trying to... I just want to make that clear. There's a difference in eating healthy and dieting. If I'm not consuming enough calories, I need to know... same goes for if I'm consuming too many.

I'm having a ganglion cyst removed tomorrow. It's on the top of my right wrist. I've read that most of the time, this type of cyst causes no discomfort. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few who feels pain and discomfort. Hopefully all will go well.

Did I mention that I can't eat after midnight tonight and my surgery isn't until 1pm?!? Great.